Traditional Tarot Equivalent:
The Page of Wands
Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Ideally, today with this card's energetic opportunity, combined with the Full Moon in Pisces, we will recharge our Selves with the Core Energy found in our Connection with Source. Said another way, we can Re-Source our batteries today, by downloading the Light of the Pisces Full Moon. A Full Moon is literally the most beautiful display of the Sacred Relationship between The Moon, The Sun and The Earth! The Moon is reflecting the Light and Brilliance of the Sun upon the Earth - clearly manifesting His Divine Seed Intent as revealed by the correlating prior New Moon. In this case, today we 'manifest' the Seed planted at the Leo New Moon just 2 weeks ago. What was your focus and goal at that time? If you have been working with the unique program I developed called Moon Coaching, you have been consciously working the energy of these two Celestial Luminaries (if not, be sure to check it out at Remember that the theme for this Lunar Moonth has been and continues to be: Leo - Divine Radiance, SHINING from the very CORE (HEART/CENTER) of your BE~ing!
With that having been the New Moon focus/seed/Intent, today and this weekend as we bask in the Radiance of the Full Moon, we will experience the Piscean theme of One~ness, Comm~Union with the Divine, a Return Home, a sense of deep Compassion for ourSelves stemming from the recognition that we are Divine Children of the Mother-Father God/Cosmic Source. Aaaaahhhhh. Breathe that in folks! Re-Member your Truth! Re-Member your Divine DNA! Re-Member your Soul/Sole Source is the Radiance of the Inner Spiritual Sun. YES! You are a Transmitter of Light, and today we celebrate the Fullness of Creation in recognition of our True Lineage! WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Pisces teaches us Forgiveness (Radical, that is!) and Compassion for the plight of Humanity in its forgive the momentary lapses in Human History...and we can transcend into an en-Light-end Human Consciousness. Key Pisces Word: BELIEVE!!!!
As an Initiate of Fire and the Great Mysteries, go out into your World today, and transmit the Light of Love, of Wisdom - be an example by radiating your connection to/with Source! Teach by example! Remember that we are all 'servers' no matter what we 'do' for a living; we are in service to something, someone. Make sure that you are consciously aligned with a Greater Source than just your human boss (although s/he too is a Child of the Uni~Verse, so APPRECIATE them). When we are 'in service' to others, and we do so from a place of Deep Connection to Spirit, we are making our actions Sacred (the original meaning of the word 'Sacrifice'). Do everything today, in recognition of our invisible connecting threads - LIGHT THREADS that is - as one Universal Family, Sourced from the same Light.
Divinatory Meaning from The Tarot of Transformation book:
In the picture, a butterfly fairy (or deva) looks very radiant and expansive. She, like all of nature, is letting her essence shine. The water in the foreground represents the purifying capacity of those who can consciously transform consciousness. Devas are great reminders of the interconnectedness of life. Alhtough they inform the world of form, they are not limited to it, but operate from a more collective consciousness. Wihtin this larger sea of consciousness, everything you say, do or feel has an effect, whether cutting off others in traffic or bringing a smile to the face of someone helping you. The butterfly fairy encouragesg you to bring a light and loving energy to the world by bringin this energy into your everyday interactions and life.
When you draw or are drawn to this card, it is a good time to become more conscious of the energy and consciousness you are transmitting. This is difficult to do if you are caught in the inner whirlwind of your thoughts and feelings. You need to keep some of your awareness free in order to take in a larger field. One practice that can help with this is to visualize yourself as a radiant body of light. See and feel the light extending beyond your physical outlines and touching everyone you come in contact with. Notice how your energy affects others. Using this visualization over a period of time can increase your awareness and amplify your energy field. You, too, can become a transmitter of light."
If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.
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