Card for 9/2/09:
XVI - THE TOWER (The Will of Mars)
XVI - THE TOWER (The Will of Mars)
Deck Creators:
Brian Clark and Kay Steventon
Traditional Tarot Equivalent:
The (Lightening-Struck) Tower
MoonCoach Phase for today:
Waxing Gibbous
MoonCoach Sign for today:
Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today... we can connect with our inner Tower - that set of old, outworn ideas, beliefs, patterns, habits, that are bound to come down, one way or another. Better to be aware of your negative habitual patterns, and be open to Divine Inspiration, than to be hit by the Universal 2 x 4! Traditionally, the Tower represents the destruction of a part of our lives, due to the faulty foundation we had built it upon. I liken this to the Hand of God/Dess who through Ruthless Compassion, intervenes on behalf of our Soul, and therefore, like Kali or Pele, destroys that which would otherwise have destroyed a more vital part of our Selves. With Mars as the resonating planetary Archetype, we can invoke our Inner Warrior, and take on the Dragons of our minds - those negative beliefs we hold about ourselves or others, and face them courageously, in order to be free of them. Once this process is complete, we can rebuild a new structure - one that is in true alignment with our Vibrational Core Essence, one that truly is supportive of our Life Purpose, instead of the old 'Towers' that undermined our True Divine Nature.
In combining this card with today's Lunar phase & sign, which remains as Gibbous in Aquarius, we see a theme building up for the week so far: one of self-healing leading to the collective healing. My sense is that we can consciously choose to recognize the day's events as part of the inner clearing necessary to a healthier relationship with others in our communities, be they large or small. More specifically for today, consider what your 'foundation' has been up to now. Is it healthy? Is it in need of rebuilding? If so, meditate on this card, asking Mars to assist you in whatever way is best for you, on the ways that you can remove the old 'building blocks' and put in new ones that truly serve you and the Greater Good. Interestingly, yesterday's card, Conditioning/The Devil, happens to precede The Tower in this says that in having identified yesterday how we are 'imprisoned' by beliefs and values, today, we can claim our Freedom by doing away with the old structures that held us back!
Needless to say, this card can be instantly recognized even by non-Tarot enthusiasts, since it evokes the Collective feelings regarding the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. And here we are, just days before the anniversary of that fated day, pulling this card. I remember how I felt that morning, and in the days, weeks, months, years that followed. What about you? Did you feel the rug pulled out from under your feet? Did you sense the Collective 'WAKE UP!' Call, regarding the question of: What values have we built our Society upon? Difficult as a pill that has been to swallow for all of Americans, and really the World, that 'destruction' is a reflection of the old Patriarchal and Greedy Ideals that the Western World has held for far too long. I love my Country, I love my People - the USA is a brave and passionate Collective of uniquely creative individuals - we have sooooo much to share, so that Day was an opportunity, to truly ask ourselves profound questions regarding what we 'serve' as a consider our Collective Fate, and the Sacred Contract we signed, long would be a shame to forget that Day's Events by falling right back into our old Collective habits of greed, selfishness and the old forms of would be a dis-honor to the Souls that perished that awful Day, if we don't choose to REBUILD a new structure - one build on mutual respect, one built on honoring the inherent dignity within all Citizens of the World, and one that truly takes action based on care for the Planet Herself, and considering the Next 7 Generations, and the effects the our choices have upon them. Let's take the lesson of those Towers into our Personal Experience, and spend the day today, checking on our own Foundation - make sure you understand that every Individual has a Right to be as they are - and that in honoring each others unique differences, we can build a Global Community that celebrates Diversity, instead of killing each other for our differences. coming soon!
In combining this card with today's Lunar phase & sign, which remains as Gibbous in Aquarius, we see a theme building up for the week so far: one of self-healing leading to the collective healing. My sense is that we can consciously choose to recognize the day's events as part of the inner clearing necessary to a healthier relationship with others in our communities, be they large or small. More specifically for today, consider what your 'foundation' has been up to now. Is it healthy? Is it in need of rebuilding? If so, meditate on this card, asking Mars to assist you in whatever way is best for you, on the ways that you can remove the old 'building blocks' and put in new ones that truly serve you and the Greater Good. Interestingly, yesterday's card, Conditioning/The Devil, happens to precede The Tower in this says that in having identified yesterday how we are 'imprisoned' by beliefs and values, today, we can claim our Freedom by doing away with the old structures that held us back!
Needless to say, this card can be instantly recognized even by non-Tarot enthusiasts, since it evokes the Collective feelings regarding the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. And here we are, just days before the anniversary of that fated day, pulling this card. I remember how I felt that morning, and in the days, weeks, months, years that followed. What about you? Did you feel the rug pulled out from under your feet? Did you sense the Collective 'WAKE UP!' Call, regarding the question of: What values have we built our Society upon? Difficult as a pill that has been to swallow for all of Americans, and really the World, that 'destruction' is a reflection of the old Patriarchal and Greedy Ideals that the Western World has held for far too long. I love my Country, I love my People - the USA is a brave and passionate Collective of uniquely creative individuals - we have sooooo much to share, so that Day was an opportunity, to truly ask ourselves profound questions regarding what we 'serve' as a consider our Collective Fate, and the Sacred Contract we signed, long would be a shame to forget that Day's Events by falling right back into our old Collective habits of greed, selfishness and the old forms of would be a dis-honor to the Souls that perished that awful Day, if we don't choose to REBUILD a new structure - one build on mutual respect, one built on honoring the inherent dignity within all Citizens of the World, and one that truly takes action based on care for the Planet Herself, and considering the Next 7 Generations, and the effects the our choices have upon them. Let's take the lesson of those Towers into our Personal Experience, and spend the day today, checking on our own Foundation - make sure you understand that every Individual has a Right to be as they are - and that in honoring each others unique differences, we can build a Global Community that celebrates Diversity, instead of killing each other for our differences. coming soon!
Divinatory Meaning from The Celestial Tarot book:
"...When the Tower appears in a spread, the unconscious reveals an important crossroad. For some it may be the time to journey forward as the old structures have liberated a more authentic path forward. Having journeyed into the shadow regions of the psyche and confronted the Devil (the previous sequential card), the individual is now empowered to move beyond the material world. As a guide, Mars represents the apsects of the psyche we can invoke at this time: aspiration, courage, enthusiasm, energy, and will. For others, it may suggest a time to reconsdier their position and what needs to be relinquished. It may be necessary to delve deply into the self to face the terror of what keeps them bound to the collapsing structures around them. Here, we invoke Mars and his sword of discrimination to sustain our battle with the shadowy aspects of the self, which hold us back...
...On a divinatory level, the appearance of Mars as The Tower suggests than an instinct is operating to tear down old structures that my have been supporting an established way of being. The more rigid the structure the more violent the upheaval needed to dislodge it (Silvia's Note: The Universal 2 x 4). In addition, The Tower card also implies that it is time for the collapse of the old, whether we resist or cooperate. Having encountered The Devil, the initiate is ready to destroy the imprisoning defenses and structures and turn towards the future: The Star. The sword of Mars strikes The Tower of the Past, breaking up complacency and rigidity to create a more energetic and creative future."
If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.
...On a divinatory level, the appearance of Mars as The Tower suggests than an instinct is operating to tear down old structures that my have been supporting an established way of being. The more rigid the structure the more violent the upheaval needed to dislodge it (Silvia's Note: The Universal 2 x 4). In addition, The Tower card also implies that it is time for the collapse of the old, whether we resist or cooperate. Having encountered The Devil, the initiate is ready to destroy the imprisoning defenses and structures and turn towards the future: The Star. The sword of Mars strikes The Tower of the Past, breaking up complacency and rigidity to create a more energetic and creative future."
If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.
Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Celestial Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2006 US Games Systems. All Rights Reserved.
MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.
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