Traditional Tarot Equivalent:
The Wheel of Fortune
Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
You've heard the axiom, "What goes up must come down," and that really speaks to the nature of the Human de-illusion: We all experiences 'highs' as well as 'lows' in our lives. It's all a question of Perception! And just how attached we might be to the illusion of Duality, which is where 'suffering' comes from. We put the 'labels' on events - we judge experiences as 'good' or 'bad' according to the filters we have, as Individuals, and as a Collective. Who knows, maybe that event that you are still grieving or angry about, may have actually been a God-send! Maybe that divorce, that illness, that death, that fight, that financial downfall, that horrible experience that you struggled with (or are currently struggling with) is EXACTLY the Medicine you needed - the very answer to your prayers. It's all about PERSPECTIVE: Where are you in the turning of the Wheel today? Can you allow your experience to just BE, without attaching any labels as good or bad?
And keep in mind that holding on too tightly when you are 'on top of the world' (really on top of the Wheel), is counterproductive to your spiritual evolution. Enjoy it, but don't get attached to the label of 'good' when you are in this spot on the ever-turning-churning-Wheel-of-Life...what comes to mind is the old Biblical phrase of 'This too shall pass' whether we are speaking of painful experiences as well as the delightful ones! Enjoy and savor every moment of your Life! Regardless of what you may be experiencing, just take a moment to appreciate the absolute Beauty of the complexity we call the Human Journey. Remember, that you are the Divine Fool, having jumped onto The Royal Road (Life), you knew that there would be many, many situations to experience.
This particular version of the Wheel of Fortune, called The Circle in the Shapeshifter Tarot, is brilliant! We see a Circle, divided into 8 sections (reminiscent of the 8 Phases of the Moon - see www.MoonCoach.com), held by a Hand, which I will interpret as the Hand of God/Dess (note yesterday's card, The Tower, where 'the Hand of God/Dess also showed up), spinning the Wheel; Also what appears to be a strip of Film (movie) or maybe even DNA, moves through The Center, and of course the Elements of Alchemy are present and the Shapeshifting Human/Animals, all amidst Stars and Vortexes of Energy in the Cosmos. Here I see Change, and Movement, once again, guided by the Divine Hand, who is working and reworking our DNA, shifting our 'stories' into ones of Cosmic Proportions!
In putting this card together with the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces (which will be a Full Moon in Pisces on Friday at 12:03 pm EDT), I would advice us all to take a moment to find our current place on The Wheel, and make any adjustments necessary to our Perspective, so that we can come into full recognition of the Perfection of our experience in THIS Moment of Now. As we build up to the Piscean Full Moon, we are growing and expanding in our Consciousness, especially where our Connection to the ALL is concerned. Keep in mind that as the 12th and final Zodiacal sign, Pisces is all about SOUL and the Soul's Journey completes in this watery Zodiacal sign, and is happy to return Home, to Source, to One-ness. Pisces teaches us Compassion, having been through the entire Zodiacal Journey, it has experienced the highs and the lows, the Light and the Shadow, of each of the other 11 Zodiacal Signs, so Compassion is a key frequency of this Celestial Archetype. I encourage you to consider what 'completions' are you working with; what 'culminations' are you approaching; what 'illuminations' are you nearing? And whatever it is, acknowledge your place on the Wheel, and get ready for another Turn very soon. It's ALL good/God/Dess.
Divinatory Meaning from The Shapeshifter Tarot book:
If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.
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