Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day - HANGED MAN/TAMMUZ for 9/12/09

Card for 9/12/09:

The Babylonian Tarot

Deck Creators:
Sandra Tabatha Cicero

Traditional Tarot Equivalent:

The Hanged Man

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Last Quarter Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today we can connect with our Inner 'TAMMUZ' Major Arcana card #12, and in the traditional deck is called THE HANGED MAN. Whenever we pull a Major Arcana card, we must pay special attention, as it is an important PORTAL into deeper self-revelation. So, today, we are invited to take a good inventory of our spiritual beliefs, and consider of any of these need RE-VISING. To revise something means we use our capacity to en-vision, to see, to visualize, to use our eyes, in order to find meaning or give purpose to whatever is under our scrutiny. 

In this case, I would suggest not only using our limited, human, physical eyes, but more importantly to view it from a Higher Perspective - that of Divine Mind, or our 3rd Eye/Pineal, which sees through the limitations of our human perceptions, and into the base/root/Higher Truth of any situation.  Traditionally, this card symbolizes the need to 'look at things from a different perspective' in order to have new in-sights about the situation. This is an invaluable ability! It reminds me of the old Native American saying about, 'not judging another man until you've walked a hundred miles in his shoes.'

Along with this alternative perspective, comes Compassion, a gift of Astrological Neptune (planetary ruler of the zodiacal sign, Pisces), which resonates with the Hanged Man card. When we are able to view things from this Higher Perspective, we do come to understand others, and our own foibles and pains as expressions of our Sacred Contracts, made before incarnation. This implies Forgiveness, as a necessary component. 

Traditionally, the image on this card depicts a man hanging from a tree, upside down, in a very colorful position. It is only in 'reversing' our position that we can come to see things differently. It requires a certain 'SACRIFICE' of our own original position...sometimes the sacrifice we make for our spiritual growth and understanding might feel a little excessive (hanging upside-down from a tree is not easy on our bodies!), but at times, if we have become too unconscious of our Contracts and Agreements with ourselves or with others, we require a greater form of sacrifice in order to get us to slow down and PAY ATTENTION to what's really going on! 

Keep in mind that the word 'sacrifice' is not meant to be used the way that the Christian, Hebrew and Muslim fundamentalists have been using for the last x thousand years (no offense to practitioners of said religions - just making a point about the extremists) - which has been promulgated as MARTYRDOM. To sacrifice something means to 'MAKE  SACRED' and therefore gives a totally different meaning to whatever acts of CONSCIOUS SACRIFICE we make - and therefore removes the sting and low frequency of the victimhood implied by martyrdom. 

Ponder on this - especially if what I write incites a response in you - because this is exactly what we are being invited to re-script into the Collective at this time. As we move out of the Age of Pisces, whose Shadow was Sacrifice, Martyrdom, Victimhood, Judgment; we MUST integrate the TRUE MEANING of PISCES and its Age's Gifts: Making All Our Acts SACRED, Surrender to Spirit, Being a Direct Vessel for Higher Wisdom, Compassion, and Divine Union.

Int the Babylonian Tarot deck, the Hanged Man is depicted as TAMMUZ, the Babylonian God of Fertility and Agriculture, and husband to ISHTAR. He is the oldest known recorded mythological Hero who was 'sacrificed' in service to the Goddess. Tammuz took his place in the Babylonian Underworld (presided over by Ishtar's dark sistar, Erishkigal) for 6 moonths of the year. And like Persephone in the later Greek myth, his time in the Underworld signified the 6 moonths of Autumn and Winter, when all the Earth goes to fallow and sleeps awaiting the return of her Beloved. So, we too, can consider, that sometimes our Spiritual Journey requires US to go within our own personal Underworld to meet with our Demons and our Allies, in order to re-vitalize our Souls so we may come out full strength back into our everyday lives.

Needless to say, this also calls to mind the Biblical New Testament story of Jesus. Another choice we are given at this Turning of the Ages, is about His story: Do we choose to focus on the Shadow of His Divine Journey, being the martyrdom of his hanging on the cross; or do we focus on his Sacrifice (make it SACRED) in order for Him to reach the Illuminated State of Consciousness, and therefore His TRANSCENDENCE? His Life takes on new meaning when we shift our perpective (and interpretation) from the Shadow, pain, guilt, sin, to that of APPRECIATING His Gift: Light, freedom, sacred release, compassion, Divine Union.

So, take a moment today, to find a different perspective on issues you may be confronting in your life. Ask for a 'sign' or for a new vision to help you understand your next steps on your Path. Surrender to Spirit's all-knowing Wisdom. Let go of any judgments upon Self or others that you may have been hanging onto. Embrace Compassion. Allow your 3rd Eye to guide you into New friend, Charla Hermann, wrote a wonderful book, "The Blue Star Portal of Transformation," and does a great play on the word nuclear, by changing it to New-Clear. Yes, profound way of shifting our perspective! And this card is all about that: SHIFTING OUR PERSPECTIVE, in order to work with NEW-CLEAR Energy! (If you would like to get Charla's excellent book or attend any of her wonderful Shamanic and Native American ceremonies, held at the Hawkwind Institute in Alabama, check out her website.

Adding to this, we can include the fact that MERCURY is RETROGRADE! No need to go into fear about it (yes, do the practical things like backing up your computers, and refrain from signing contracts, as well as being mindful of all your communications). When Mercury goes retrograde (apparent backward motion, from our perspective on Earth), we go from a left brain communication model, to one of non-linear logic, meaning we go inwards to get in touch with our right-brain messages. This is an excellent period of time to do research as well as inner work! In our technological and busy-busy Western World, we NEED Mercury to go retro in order to check in with the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that are driving us! So, this card combined with Mercury Retro, really is putting it on us to spend a little time doing this inner spiritual inventory. WHAT IS DRIVING YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH? 

And finally, in looking at the phase and sign of the Moon, She is in her Last Quarter phase, in the final degrees of Gemini. The Last Quarter moon is said to be 'CRISIS IN CONSCIOUSNESS' by Dane Rhudyar. As She comes to closure in her current Cycle, we need to begin slowing down and reach completion with all matters that we've been focusing on for the past 3 weeks. We are coming to the end of the Leo Lunar Moonth, so wrapping up on our projects is up for us know, and that implies having to consider what we've accomplished thus far, and tie up all the loose ends of our Leo New Moon Goals (set on August 20). Again, this accentuates the need to go within to clear our perspective. With it being in Gemini, this is in fact about our Mind since Gemini is an AIR Sign. Get clear on your communications by checking in with yourself first. Hold off on any important discussions you need to have with others, if there are feelings you need to process. Just sit in silent meditation with your Guides/Allies, and with your Soul, and allow Spirit to speak to you.

Divinatory Meaning from the Babylonian Tarot book:
"The Sumero-Babylonian story of Tammuz in the underworld is the first recorded instance of the agricultural sacrifice mythos, which has been repeated numerous times in other ancient cultures. Tammuz was the life-blood of the fields and of the sheepfold. His death coincided with the annual harvesting of crops and the beginning of the harsh, barren season that withered vegetation and dried up the milk of sheep and goats. The return of the annual growing season signaled Tammuz's release from the netherworld back into the land of the living....MEANING: sacrifice, especially self-sacrifice. Self-denial. Suspended animation. Trance-state. A period of withdrawal. Introspection. Listening to the inner Self. Pause. Delayed decision. Reversal Wisdom and intuition. Sacrificing something in order to gain something better. REVERSED MEANING: False prophecy. A martyr complex. Petty sacrifices. Rejects the guidance of Spirit. Arrogance and ego-inflation. Psychic or mental disorder."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Babylonian Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2006  Sandra Tabitha Cicero.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day - THE CREATOR for 9/9/09

Card for 9/9/09:

Celestial Messages of Light

Deck Creators:
H. Alan Roe (with Delia Moreno)

Traditional Tarot Equivalent:

The Emperor

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Disseminating Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today we can connect with our Inner 'CREATOR' Major Arcana card #4, and in the traditional deck is called The Emperor. Whenever we pull a Major Arcana card, we must pay special attention, as it is an important Portal into deeper self-revelation. So, today, we are invited to really feel tap directly into our Creational Power. As Masters of our own personal Universe, we can literally change the landscape of our physical reality, by rearranging the molecules of creation within our Reality.It all starts with a well-defined spiritual blueprint, one that is truly in alignment with our Highest Potentialities. In this unique and Christ Consciousness based deck, we see a Master of Light floating above the Earth, sending Light through Spirals of Creation, from His own Heart Center. Above and behind him, we see aspects of Sacred Geometry, symbolizing that there is a Higher Order to the way we create our Lives on Earth. When we are truly CENTERED in our VIBRATIONAL CORE ESSENCE (our HEART and our astrological SUN), we are truly IN LOVE, and from that Core of Love, we are able to consciously flow the Creational Energy into Form, Structure and Manifest Reality.

In the traditional Tarot, we normally see a Great Emperor or King, sitting upon his Throne (places upon a CUBE), overseeing his vast empire - the results of all the efforts of Imagination, Inspiration and Creation (from the corresponding cards of The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Empress). We see the aspect of the Divine Masculine, as a strong and benevolent Leader who truly considers the good of all the inhabitants of his Domain/Empire, as opposed to the Patriarchal version of the Masculine expressing as power hungry and driven by greed, using force to enforce his own ego-centered objectives. The New Masculine is such as is pictured in this card: the model of a Heart-Centered Being who takes into consideration the good of the entire realm we ALL inhabit, and works as a Vessel for the Divine Energy of the Entire Cosmos.

So, today, we are asked to consider how we may have been using our personal power to CREATE our reality. Are you Heart-centered, or are ego-Centered when you create your and OUR reality? Are you tapping into the Universal Blueprint, which considers the good of the entire Earth and Cosmos, or are you selflishy working on manifesting what satisfies only you? There is nothing wrong about catering to the Self, don't get me wrong...but the difference is to anchor your CORE SELF into the COSMIC CORE, so that you become a Vessel for Light. Let us move our focus on manifesting those tools, objects, buildings, goods, and whole societies, that inspire each and All to VIBRATIONAL CORE ALIGNMENT. We really can build a New Earth - but even the most 'spiritual' of people can fall prey to their own illusions...all that glitters in the New Age is NOT of Go(l)d...remember, Freedom of Diversity is THE lesson of the New Aquarian Age. Lest we become a new version of the same old Patriarchy, do not push your personal version of spirituality onto another.

There are many things we are having to look at as we 'build' a New Earth. Many of these include very touchy subjects, not the least of which concern our lower chakras: money and sex! There are those within the spiritual circles I move that believe $$$ should be abolished. And that we should all move into polyamory as a relationship standard. I don't want those agendas pushed onto me. Nor will I push my 'version' of what is good and right for me, onto others. I happen to be moving into a relationship of deep mutual respect with both the energy of money, and the energy of sexuality and of love

Let's not throw away the baby with the bathwater when we choose what new forms of financial and sexual expression to bring from the Old Earth into the New Earth. Earth, no matter what, will continue to be a beautiful school and a vast playground for experimenting with our Creational Power, so let's not start limiting each other already. As long as everything we do with our Creations (including sex and money) is mindful, respectful and honoring of others, then let me continue to play with the paper bills that are a physical manifestation of the energy of matter; and I will also continue to  be in a loving and respectful monogamous relationship with my Beloved. I will love others in their own need to sexualize absolutely every loving relationship. But if you choose to do that, I honor your Truth. Just remember, to honor mine.

I raise the above points because we really are all manifesting faster and faster, as a result of the collapsing of Time as we have known it...moving into a Sacred Space of Creation where we must question all our motives, before we take the steps to manifest them in the physical realm. The Emperor is all about MANIFESTATION (the results of CREATION), so please ask yourself what you want to manifest and WHY? 

Also to consider is the idea of FATHERHOOD. Where as the previous Major Arcana card in sequence is THE EMPRESS, who symbolizes MOTHERHOOD and the DIVINE FEMININE, this one as THE EMPEROR really is about the IDEAL role of what it means to be a Father - a Leader...and what that means to a Tribe or Community or Nation or Planet. This is also a worthy subject to discuss today!

The Moon is still in disseminating phase and also still in Taurus, so speaking to others about matter, money, and all things of the Earthly realm, are well timed. Maybe in community today (could be just you and your Beloved, you and your dog or kitty, you and your whole get the idea), you can broach this subject and ponder upon BUILDING. Taurus is the first of the Earth signs (then comes Virgo and Capricorn), so the energy is about building things of VALUE, and considering what the COSTS are (and not just the monetary costs). This will get the ball rolling to some pretty good discussions on politics, society, education, spirituality, etc. Remember though, to EN-JOY the process!

Divinatory Meaning from the Celestial Messages of Light book:
"The highest form of love to be expressed is needed now. It is the Christ Consciousness that flows within the spiritual fabric of all creation. In leadership, one must be fair and just, striving for the good in all. This card holds position, leadership and power and with these positions comes responsibility. The small, still voice that guides and warns us so that we can choose right from wrong. One must always ask for the very highest and best for your spiritual growth. REVERSED: Misuse of authority and power through your immaturity and insecurity. One must be able to see before they can guide. Only through experiences in life we gain the wisdom to lead."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Celestial Messages of Light card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 1995 H. Alan Roe  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day - STRENGTH for 9/8/09

Card for 9/8/09:

The Gilded Tarot

Deck Creators:
Ciro Marchetti and Barbara Moore

Traditional Tarot Equivalent:


MoonCoach Phase for today:
Disseminating Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today we can connect with our Inner 'STRENGTH' the 8th Major Arcana card. Whenever we pull a Major Arcana card, we must pay special attention, as it is an important Portal into deeper self-revelation. So, today, we are invited to really feel into the true Source of our Strength, and to walk side by side with this vast reservoir of personal power. Notice in the card, that the Lion appears tame, and walks by the side of the Heroine. He is not pulling her nor is she pulling him. A Lion is capable of taking over a human if we have not created a proper relationship with it. The Lion represents our 'animal nature' and that includes all the survival instincts, which can include some of the more if-y emotions such as fear, control, unhealthy ego drives, and physical desires which are compelled by our less evolved nature. (Disclaimer: I am not saying animals are lesser than humans! The above is a metaphor, and from an esoteric standpoint there is a hierarchy of evolutionary consciousness, which although it implies humans are 'better' than animals, it does NOT mean that...just go with the flow of metaphor - the human mind does have the power of choice of INSTINCT, which is the animal nature, which is found in animals AND humans.).

So, the message here is to be aware of your instinctual nature, the good parts of it, and those qualities that might throw you off-center. This card correlates to the Zodiacal Sign LEO, the Lion, who is ruled by The SUN - the very Center of our Solar System, as well as being our Soul(ar) Purpose. My sense is that today we have the opportunity through this card, to ask some deep questions about what un-integrated ego-centric drives throw us off-Center, and away from our Soul(ar) Purpose? 

In truth, our instincts can serve us greatly in the development our of our Purpose...when we are aware of our temptations (which we learned in the Devil card), we can in fact create a more adequate relationship with them, where we can say we mastered them, by not giving in to them and instead choose to revel in them at appropriate times. We all need the (HEALTHY) pleasure and joy that chocolate or sex or travel or whatever gives us! It's all about moderation, timing and the intelligent use of those things. The important thing is to utilize everything, in service to our Soul(ar) Purpose. In our Astrological Charts, I teach my students, that although the Sun may fuel the rest of the planets (physically and metaphorically), all the planets are IN SERVICE TO the Sun. It is central to our Solar System, as well as to our Life Purpose. If we choose to believe that our Mars or Venus or Ascendant, for example, are our Purpose or Intent for this Lifetime, we are doing a great dis-service to our True Purpose: We are no longer in alignment with our Vibrational Core Essence. So, this card, today, is an invitation to ask ourselves just how truly connected and aligned with our Vibrational Core Essence we are.

The Lion represents our Power, Vitality, and Strength. Leo and the Sun, from an astrological perspective, 'rule' the Heart in our body. How true to your Heart are you being? Are you open to receiving the Flame of Divine Fire from your Heart/Core? Do you have a healthy relationship between your instincts and your personal will? The Sun also indicates Divine Will, so how aligned are you and your personal will, with the Divine Will? This card implies Trust, Love and Power in that Sacred Relationship, so choose today to play with these energies.

The Moon is now in her Disseminating Phase, and has moved into Taurus (the 2nd Zodiacal sign). We can share the fruits of our labors now - that which we have worked on from New Moon to Full Moon, can be harvested and shared with your community. In my Moon Coaching program, we work on a specific goal/intent, based on the 8 Lunar Phases (that's right, there are 8, not 4). So, if you have my MoonCoach Inter~Active Vision~ing Playbook for this Zodiacal Year, be sure to journal on the Disseminating Phase page for this Leo Lunar Month. For everyone else, just think about how you can share with others the wisdom you have gained through various experiences in your life in the past couple of weeks. Surely, you've dealt with creative self-expression (Leo/Sun) in the past 14 or so days...consider what you've learned and make sure you connect with your allies, friends and families about these experiences and learnings. With the Moon in Taurus today, we would add that something of these learnings add VALUE to your life, and to your community. More at

Divinatory Meaning from The Gilded Tarot book:
"A woman with a great sense of purpose walks side by side with a lion. There is a chain wrapped loosely around the lion's neck and held just as loosely in the woman's hand. The lion is the woman's animal instincts. These instincts neither lead her nor are they dragged along behind her. They are there, a reserve of strength, power and courage, for whenever she should have need of them. The message of Strength reminds you that you have more strength, power and courage than you realize. Learn to live easily with these gifts and use them when appropriate. Be aware of two extremes. Do not let your strength or baser desires control you. Conversely, do not deny your own power."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Guilded Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2004 Barbara Moore (Book) and Ciro Marchetti (Cards)  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tarot Mystery School - 7 of Coins for 9/7/09

Card for 9/7/09:
7 of Coins


Deck Creators:
Mario Garizio & Patrizia D'Agostino

Traditional Tarot Equivalent:

7 of Pentacles

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Waning Full Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today we can connect with our Inner '7 of Coins' referred to in the traditional deck as the 7 of Pentacles. In the suit of Earth, as we know from The Elements of Alchemy, we deal with the physical and tangible, living with patience, dedication and respect for the Earth. Today's card is an inviation to look at what we 'do' for a living - about our jobs, our activities having to do with sustenance. Interestingly, today is Labor Day, and many folks have the day off, as do the kids from school. If you are one of those folks, have a safe and fun day...and remember that there are countless others who do not get to take the day off, and without them, our World would come to a screeching halt! 

The men in this image appear to be indiginous - what comes to mind for me is how dependent we are on others from different cultures, for the harmonious continuation of our 'daily reality.' I am originally from Los Angeles, where we had a large Mexican population, and many of them worked very hard, and often times under very harsh situations. An excellent film to watch in order to understand this odd dynamic and the pains that others have to go through in order for 'us' to have our American Lifestyle, is FAST FOOD NATION.  By the end of the movie, your heart will be wide open with compassion for other cultures living in our country. 

My point is that we often forget to realize that there is a special connection between working the land, and tilling the earth, in order to coax Her to give to us of Her abundance, which in our current lifestyle, we totally miss! We live in high condos on the beach or over-priced flats in the city, or tree-less developments in the suburbs, thinking that 'this is it.' What we don't realize is how much of our connection to the Seasons, to Naural Cycles, to the beautiful rhythms of the Turning of the Wheel, and to the very underappreciated relationship we have between 'us' and Mother Nature. 

When we don't grow our own food, tend to our own gardens, and notice the seasons' effects on our own growth and evolution, we miss an important apsect of Living on Earth. When we view these very natural tasks as something menial and 'beneath us' and give the jobs over to those we see as 'inferior' to oursevles, we are cheating ourselves of something precious, as well as dis-honoring the Dignity of those people we have charged with picking lettuce, and cleaning our homes. We are truly a Nation and a People out of Balance with the Great Mystery of Life. 

Celebrate Labor Day? Sure. But ask yourself how the meat on your grill got there? Ask yourself how the lettuce in the salad managed to arrive into your refrigerator? And then, PLEASE take a moment to APPRECIATE the very 'hard, menial and thankless' LABOR  of those people (from the lettuce pickers to the truckers) who never get a day off for their work. Theirs is SACRED WORK, too. It isn't just about corporate 'New Agers' tend to think that only what we do to bring out about the New Earth is Sacred Work....but I propose to consider what these people do, which brings food to our tables in order to feed our children, as Sacred Work , too. No, not glamorous and apparently not 'spiritual' but certainly something we, with our current set of collectve judgements, are incapable of doing for ourselves. 

Yes, I know that many of us are also more open, more compasssionate, and DO appreciate these 'behind the scenes' laboring, and to you, I say, thank  you. May you too, spend a moment in deep appreciation for all those who Labor to make our lives more comfortable. Be it farmer, warrior, healer, maid, gardener, bank teller, candlemaker, underwear seamstress, cashiier, author, astrologer, book binder, trucker, musican...all of what we 'do' for a living is important...honor the least amongst us as if their Labor mattered most. Actually, it does.

I guess this one hit a nerve. My parents are immigrants into the USA, from Argentina. My grandparents were immigrants into Argentina from Spain and from Italy. (My Italian Grandfather grew his own produce and sold it on a little carwheel on the streets of Buenos Aries. My Spaniard Grandparents took care of their own livestock and produce, serving it in their own restaurant, in Northern Argentina). I have a feeling that further back in my lineage, we were Gypsies, migrating from place to place. My Soul Knowing speaks of going back to Nature, and re-learning the Ways of the re-member how the Old Ones all partook of the Cycle of Life, together. The American Dream is a far cry from the balanced and peaceful Lifestyle that our Ancestors lived through...honoring the animals of the hunt, as well as being at-tuned with both the Earth and the Celestial Cycles. May it be as we dream forward now, for the Good of All cultures and People, honoring each other and the Greater Mysteries, in Love and only Love.

Oh, almost forgot: The Moon is still in Aries, and she is waning moving towards Disseminating (tomorrow). Be grateful to those Braves, Pioneers, Fire-bringers of the Past...and to those in our Time who have the Arian Courage to do what others fear to do. I guess since we are doing Labor Day, we can Fire up the grill and take a moment of gratitude, for the work we do ourselves, for what gifts we bring to the World in order to bring her into greater Balance and Harmony.

Divinatory Meaning from The Tarot Of The Ages book:
"Ingenuity, growth, handiwork, progress, successful dealings, money, wealth, treasure, gain. Despair overwhelms you. Life gives - life takes away. Your work was hard, but it is follishe to strike stones with a pickax. Direct your efforts to more fruitful enterprises, and the negative effects of your actions will fall away."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Tarot of the Ages card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 1988 U.S. Games Systems Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tarot Mystery School - PRINCE OF WANDS for 9/6/09

Card for 9/6/09:
Prince of wands


Deck Creators:
Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Will Worthington

Traditional Tarot Equivalent:

The Knight of Wands

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Waning Full Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today we can connect with our Inner 'Prince of Wands' referred to in the traditional deck as the Knight of Wands. In the suit of Fire, as we know from The Elements of Alchemy, we work with creativity, passion and the Spark of Divine Inspiration. Just as a couple of days ago when we received the The 'Server (Page) of Wands' we are invited again to 'play with Fire." The Prince continues to carry the Torch forward, having had it handed off to him by the Server of Fire (Page of Wands). However, with this card, we are asked to be more direct and action-oriented in our approach to expressing creativity, passion and vital life force energy. The Prince (or Knight) of Wands (Fire) is really about getting a move on forward with our goals and intentions. Today we may find that we have an extra boost of energy to 'take charge' and move forward. Our Prince is seeing here galloping freely over green hills, Staff in hand, riding his brave steed, under bright blue skies, towards some desired destination.

Where do you want to go today? Is there any project you want to start? Do you have an idea that has been itching for expression? Call in your Inner Prince of Wands as an Ally today and get a move on!!

Additionally, with the Moon in Aries, we may consider this to be auspiciously aligned with the Element of Fire, since Aries is the first of the Fire Signs (really the first sign in the entire Zodiacal Wheel). So, even if the Moon is technically in her Waning (diminishing of Light) half, since we are still within the window of the Full Moon energy, we can capitalize on the energy of illumination She is giving us. It may not be the wild enthusiastic energy of a Waxing (growing in Light) Aries Moon, so I would say that perhaps if there is something you want to work with, it could be an idea or project or desire that you may have started awhile back, and there's enough energy today to get it re-invigorated

And that 'project' could be YOU! Go for a jog this morning! Or some other physical activity that will run new vital energy through your body. Or it could simply be a matter of reading something exciting that inspires you enough to set new goals for yourself (remember to start them at the next New Moon, as outlined in my Moon Coaching Program!). In any case, there's a fiery glow about today between this card and the Aries Moon, that we would do well to align with! Carpe Diem!!!

Divinatory Meaning from The Druidcraft Tarot book:
"The Prince Cards keywords are:  Action, impulse to serve, journeys. The Princes (sometimes called Knights in other decks) symbolize movement, action and the dawning development of responsibility to others - a social conscious...When indicating people, they may represent adolescents or young adults. The Princes are all seated on horses to signify that they stand for movement and action in the world.

The Prince of Wands is full of enthusiasm and energy. He loves to initiate projects and to have ideas, but he has trouble completing them - his eagerness is greater than his commitment to seeing things through....his social conscience may spur him to act the revolutionary or rebel..."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Druidcraft Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2004 Philip, Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Will Worthington and Eddison Sadd Editions.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tarot Mystery School - WOMB for 9/5/09

Card for 9/4/09:


Deck Creators:
Poppy  Palin

Traditional Tarot Equivalent

6 of Cups
MoonCoach Phase for today:
Waning - Full Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today... we can connect with our 'Womb' referred to in the traditional deck as the 6 of Cups. In the suit of Water, as we know from The Elements of Alchemy, we work with our emotions. The 'Womb' therefore invites us to connect with that part of us that feels nurtured, sustained and held in the unconditional love of the Great Cosmic Womb. There is a purity to this image, as also in the original 6 of Cups image, which inspires us to return to our innate Innocence, where we felt totally trusting of the Universe's abiltity to respond to our needs. Here we see a baby, almost ready to be birthed, connected to the Spiral-Umbilical Cord that appears to come from the Earth Herself. 

This Cosmic Child is just in front of the Cave's Opening - perhaps the Earthly Vaginal Opening? Might this be telling us to spend time today connecting with our pre-birth memories? Might the focus for us be to simply return to a time when we floated in the Amniotic Waters of the Great Mother, pre-dating our current personality's life? 

There is a richness to the very soil in this Womb, as depicted by the little crawling creatures, which help to create the fertile ground within which we may develop to fullness. Caves are sacred to the Goddess-to the Great Mother, and so it is that in connecting with our Innate Innocence, we may re-establish a direct line of contact with the nurturing and life-supporting aspects of the Universe.

Just beyond the Cave, we see bright green grass, and the Sun rising. This would be again a reference to Imminent Birth, and connecting us to the Soul-ar/Solar aspect of our own Divinity. First we develop as a Divine Seedling in The Great Mother's Womb, and then we are birthed into our current reality as a Cosmic Child, radiating the Light & Brilliance of the Sun. To me, this brings to mind that we are always at option regarding whether to Live and Experience our Reality, from our Vibrational Core Essence, or live out of balance and off Center.

Considering the original 6 of cups as well, I would add that we may benefit from watching Children today. They are our Teachers and can show us the way back Home...back to our own Innocence. Allow them to share their Re-member-ed Wisdom with you. They hold the Golden Cups of Unconditional TRUST, so it is also our duty to help them to keep that beautiful quality intact.

The Moon is now in her Waning Semi-Cycle, although we technically can still work with her Full Phase. She is still in Pisces, the Zodiacal Sign I call the Great Cosmic Dreamer - the One who through having walked in every other Sign's shoes, holds Compassion for the tribulations and joys of each one's experience. So, the Moon is traveling in the 12th and final in the Zodiacal sequence, and therefore is at a completion...and the Full Moon in a manner of speaking is also the completion (that of the Waxing cycle), or the CULMINATION, of all that we have focused on for the past 2 weeks since beginning the current Lunar Month in Leo. Have you seen the results of all your efforts? If not, you may still acknowledge and celebrate what you have accomplished thus far...even if it doesn't quite match your original 'picture.'

Combining this card with today's lunar phase and sign, I would add that we may feel very 'watery' today - and that is ok. It's good to feel our emotions - we often stuff our not-so-great feelings, and we also forget to celebrate the really wonderful emotions! So, give yourself permission to enter into your Watery Depths - and speak to The Great Mother...let her know all your emotions (S/He knows anyways), and process within the safety of her Unconditional Love. Additionally, I feel that the 12 Sign plus its correlating 12th house, is the Ultimate Cosmic Womb - the Return Home, to where we can melt all our  personality stuff, and just float in Deep Space...before having to make our way 'out' into the World again (in Aries, the 1st sign which begins the Zodiacal Sequence anew). 

So, spend some time today, just BEING - just FLOATING - in the COSMIC WOMB - in the PISCES realm of Dreams, Hope, Communion with Spirit, and Total Surrender.

Divinatory Meaning from Stories of the Wild Spirit book:
"I am the potentiality of new being, floating serene and held by the Earth herself, deep underground in the well of creation. I am part of the process, the procession of life that takes us from womb to tomb, through living to being, suspended in time, waiting for rebirth. I am the child of the Cycles of Life. I know my other Self, the Death Crone, and I embrace the stages of my Being with love. Each time the pattern is repeated, there is fresh hope, new joy, emotional resurgence, and spiritual renewal. I am the one who reveals the rhythms to you - my heartbeat pulsing int the amniotic fluids of the Earth, my life force restored to a throb of energy, felt vibrating through the land, making waves on the water. I am Divine Repetition, and endless rippling effect. Feel me in the menstrual cycle and in the accompanying moon-phases."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Waking The Wild Spirit Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2002 Poppy Palin.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tarot Mystery School - TRANSMITTER OF LIGHT for 9/4/09

Card for 9/4/09:


Deck Creators:
Willow Arlenea and Jasmin Lee Cori

Traditional Tarot Equivalent

The Page of Wands

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Full Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today... we can connect with our 'Transmitter of Light' referred to in the traditional deck as the Page of Wands. In the suit of Fire, as we know from The Elements of Alchemy, we work with creativity, passion and the Spark of Divine Inspiration. The 'Server of Wands' therefore invites us to play the role, in our life/world, as a creative being in CONSCIOUS service to the Divine. If you are familiar with the Rider-Waite deck, you will recall the image of a young page, standing in the Egyptian dessert, holding his/her Staff of Power, in front of the Great Pyramids, revealing the Page's Initiatory Journey into the Mysteries of Creation. In this deck, we see a Fire Being, joyously expressing vitality and color, and taking in the Radiance of a White Sun (=the Spiritual Sun). So, we are invited today to bask in the Wisdom of our Inner Source - listen to the teachings of our Inner Spiritual Sun, align our limited Human Consciousness with our Divine Vibrational Core Essence. In other words, stand in your power as a Creative Expression of Divine Wisdom, and radiate this inherent Wisdom to all around you. BE A TRANSMITTER OF LIGHT! 

Ideally, today with this card's energetic opportunity, combined with the Full Moon in Pisces, we will recharge our Selves with the Core Energy found in our Connection with Source. Said another way, we can Re-Source our batteries today, by downloading the Light of the Pisces Full Moon. A Full Moon is literally the most beautiful display of the Sacred Relationship between The Moon, The Sun and The Earth! The Moon is reflecting the Light and Brilliance of the Sun upon the Earth - clearly manifesting His Divine Seed Intent as revealed by the correlating prior New Moon. In this case, today we 'manifest' the Seed planted at the Leo New Moon just 2 weeks ago. What was your focus and goal at that time? If you have been working with the unique program I developed called Moon Coaching, you have been consciously working the energy of these two Celestial Luminaries (if not, be sure to check it out at Remember that the theme for this Lunar Moonth has been and continues to be: Leo - Divine Radiance, SHINING from the very CORE (HEART/CENTER) of your BE~ing! 

With that having been the New Moon focus/seed/Intent, today and this weekend as we bask in the Radiance of the Full Moon, we will experience the Piscean theme of One~ness, Comm~Union with the Divine, a Return Home, a sense of deep Compassion for ourSelves stemming from the recognition that we are Divine Children of the Mother-Father God/Cosmic Source. Aaaaahhhhh. Breathe that in folks! Re-Member your Truth! Re-Member your Divine DNA! Re-Member your Soul/Sole Source is the Radiance of the Inner Spiritual Sun. YES! You are a Transmitter of Light, and today we celebrate the Fullness of Creation in recognition of our True Lineage! WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Pisces teaches us Forgiveness (Radical, that is!) and Compassion for the plight of Humanity in its forgive the momentary lapses in Human History...and we can transcend into an en-Light-end Human Consciousness. Key Pisces Word: BELIEVE!!!!

As an Initiate of Fire and the Great Mysteries, go out into your World today, and transmit the Light of Love, of Wisdom - be an example by radiating your connection to/with Source! Teach by example! Remember that we are all 'servers' no matter what we 'do' for a living; we are in service to something, someone. Make sure that you are consciously aligned with a Greater Source than just your human boss (although s/he too is a Child of the Uni~Verse, so APPRECIATE them). When we are 'in service' to others, and we do so from a place of Deep Connection to Spirit, we are making our actions Sacred (the original meaning of the word 'Sacrifice'). Do everything today, in recognition of our invisible connecting threads - LIGHT THREADS that is - as one Universal Family, Sourced from the same Light.


Divinatory Meaning from The Tarot of Transformation book:
"The Server cards are about helping. This card is a reminder that we not only assist each other physically, emotionally, and mentally, but we can also assist each other spiritually. This is primarily a matter of the consciousness we cultivate. By being in our own light, we can support other's light and help raise the overall vibration; it is, thus, a way of ministering to the planet. Just as the butterfly goes from flower to flower spreading pollen, we collect and spread energy during each interaction we experience in a day. This may be grumpy energy, frustrated energy, light and happy energy, or the energy of generosity or kindness. This card invites you to become more aware of your energy fields and what you spread around. It represents taking responsibility for broadcasting energy that you think will be helpful and containing or neutralizing energy tha may have a more poisonous effect. You can reinforce the positive energy of others by mirrororing it, and you can help neutralize their negativity by holding it with such spaciousness and compassion that the energy can let go.

In the picture, a butterfly fairy (or deva) looks very radiant and expansive. She, like all of nature, is letting her essence shine. The water in the foreground represents the purifying capacity of those who can consciously transform consciousness. Devas are great reminders of the interconnectedness of life. Alhtough they inform the world of form, they are not limited to it, but operate from a more collective consciousness. Wihtin this larger sea of consciousness, everything you say, do or feel has an effect, whether cutting off others in traffic or bringing a smile to the face of someone helping you. The butterfly fairy encouragesg you to bring a light and loving energy to the world by bringin this energy into your everyday interactions and life.

When you draw or are drawn to this card, it is a good time to become more conscious of the energy and consciousness you are transmitting. This is difficult to do if you are caught in the inner whirlwind of your thoughts and feelings. You need to keep some of your awareness free in order to take in a larger field. One practice that can help with this is to visualize yourself as a radiant body of light. See and feel the light extending beyond your physical outlines and touching everyone you come in contact with. Notice how your energy affects others. Using this visualization over a period of time can increase your awareness and amplify your energy field. You, too, can become a transmitter of light."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Tarot of Transformation card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2002 Willow Arlenea and Jasmin Lee Cori.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tarot Mystery School - THE CIRCLE for 9/3/09

Card for 9/3/09:


Deck Creators:
D.J. Conway, Sirona Knight and Lisa Hunt

Traditional Tarot Equivalent

The Wheel of Fortune

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Waxing Gibbous

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today... we can connect with our inner Circle (Wheel of Fortune), recognizing that within the ever-turning Wheel of Life, we go through many changes and shifts in Consciousness. All is in Divine Order - it always is, even when we experience apparent 'downturns' of the Wheel, it's all guided by an Unseen Hand, that is always working on our behalf. This Arcana card, to me, is about trusting the nature of Time: Natural Time and Cosmic Time - really, our Soul's Clock, as opposed to that silly little device you might be wearing on your wrist, or hanging on your wall. All great Philosophers, Mages, and Esotericists, knew that there's a much more powerful 'tick tock' working behind the Veil, whose Divinely Tuned Gears move according to our Souls' Rhythms - always in perfect Synchronicity with the Celestial Blueprint (or Sacred Contract or Astrological Chart) that you signed up for, Ages ago.

You've heard the axiom, "What goes up must come down," and that really speaks to the nature of the Human de-illusion: We all experiences 'highs' as well as 'lows' in our lives. It's all a question of Perception! And just how attached we might be to the illusion of Duality, which is where 'suffering' comes from. We put the 'labels' on events - we judge experiences as 'good' or 'bad' according to the filters we have, as Individuals, and as a Collective. Who knows, maybe that event that you are still grieving or angry about, may have actually been a God-send! Maybe that divorce, that illness, that death, that fight, that financial downfall, that horrible experience that you struggled with (or are currently struggling with) is EXACTLY the Medicine you needed - the very answer to your prayers. It's all about PERSPECTIVE: Where are you in the turning of the Wheel today? Can you allow your experience to just BE, without attaching any labels as good or bad?

And keep in mind that holding on too tightly when you are 'on top of the world' (really on top of the Wheel), is counterproductive to your spiritual evolution. Enjoy it, but don't get attached to the label of 'good' when you are in this spot on the ever-turning-churning-Wheel-of-Life...what comes to mind is the old Biblical phrase of 'This too shall pass' whether we are speaking of painful experiences as well as the delightful ones! Enjoy and savor every moment of your Life! Regardless of what you may be experiencing, just take a moment to appreciate the absolute Beauty of the complexity we call the Human Journey. Remember, that you are the Divine Fool, having jumped onto The Royal Road (Life), you knew that there would be many, many situations to experience.

This particular version of the Wheel of Fortune, called The Circle in the Shapeshifter Tarot, is brilliant! We see a Circle, divided into 8 sections (reminiscent of the 8 Phases of the Moon - see, held by a Hand, which I will interpret as the Hand of God/Dess (note yesterday's card, The Tower, where 'the Hand of God/Dess also showed up), spinning the Wheel; Also what appears to be a strip of Film (movie) or maybe even DNA, moves through The Center, and of course the Elements of Alchemy are present and the Shapeshifting Human/Animals, all amidst Stars and Vortexes of Energy in the Cosmos. Here I see Change, and Movement, once again, guided by the Divine Hand, who is working and reworking our DNA, shifting our 'stories' into ones of Cosmic Proportions!

In putting this card together with the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces (which will be a Full Moon in Pisces on Friday at 12:03 pm EDT), I would advice us all to take a moment to find our current place on The Wheel, and make any adjustments necessary to our Perspective, so that we can come into full recognition of the Perfection of our experience in THIS Moment of Now. As we build up to the Piscean Full Moon, we are growing and expanding in our Consciousness, especially where our Connection to the ALL is concerned. Keep in mind that as the 12th and final Zodiacal sign, Pisces is all about SOUL and the Soul's Journey completes in this watery Zodiacal sign, and is happy to return Home, to Source, to One-ness. Pisces teaches us Compassion, having been through the entire Zodiacal Journey, it has experienced the highs and the lows, the Light and the Shadow, of each of the other 11 Zodiacal Signs, so Compassion is a key frequency of this Celestial Archetype. I encourage you to consider what 'completions' are you working with; what 'culminations' are you approaching; what 'illuminations' are you nearing? And whatever it is, acknowledge your place on the Wheel, and get ready for another Turn very soon. It's ALL good/God/Dess.

Divinatory Meaning from The Shapeshifter Tarot book:
"...The Circle of shapeshifting is another visual example of such symbols as the Celtic Year Wheel or the Hindu Wheel of also symbolizes the ever-turning ethereal life-wheel of physical existence: past incarnations, present cycles of development, the chain of event that make up a life's experiences, the numerous rites of initiation along any spiritual path. A strand of DNA runs through the Wheel, symbolic of  the spiritual spark of divine life that endlessly creates and perfects...The half-shifted forms around the Wheel symbolize the phases of growth and development throughout several incarnations. In the center is a human face, half-shifted into an owl and representative of the seeker (Silvia's note: Seeker = YOU). With wide-open, all seeing eyes, the owl-seeker looks upon reality and acknowledges it, yet is aware that with ancient magickal and spiritual knowledge, she or he can make changes. Behind the Wheel is a stone portal, the doorway to higher consciousness, the gateway to esoteric knowledge. In order to advance on the spiritual path, the seeker must learn when to influence the turn of the Circle and when to ride it out, experiencing and dealing with karmic events now instead of later."

If you would like to purchase this deck or any other Tarot or Oracle deck, please contact me.

Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Shapeshifter Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 1998 D.J. Conway and Sirona Knight.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.