Monday, August 31, 2009

Tarot Mystery School: SHAMAN for 8/31/09

Card for 8/31/09:


Deck Creators:
Martien and Teressena Bakens

Traditional Tarot Equivalent
The Hierophant

MoonCoach Phase for today:
Waxing Gibbous

MoonCoach Sign for today:

Silvia Pancaro's interpretation and suggestion for the day:
Today we can connect with our Inner Shaman, able to navigate between the various dimension and realms of Be~ing...shifting conscious awareness between everyday 3D reality, the Collective Soul and the realm of our Highest Knowing. Take time today to commune with your Spirit Guardians, your Animal Totems and you own Intuitive Knowing. This is a wonderful sign, informing us with information from the Inner Psyche/Soul - information that we can utilize to heal, teach, and in all ways enter into deeper understanding of Life's processes.

Today the Moon is transiting through the Zodiacal sign of Capricorn, the SeaGoat. The Lunar Phase is Waxing Gibbous. This informs us that we need to actively work towards creating our grander visions, and to take action that is in alignment with the higher frequencies of Capricorn: What will you do to bring about positive results in society, keeping in mind the next 7 Generations? Remember that Capricorn is the High Initiate who considers the Good of All, and as an Earth sign, asks us to consider the 'practical' effects of our everyday actions, upon Society as a whole.

Putting together today's card, Shaman, with today's Lunar transit in Capricorn, we really would do well to consider the energy output into the World at large, and ask ourselves some serious questions about our contributions to the Greater Good. This is also about releasing the old Patriarchal habits and attitudes, including listening to our Innate Wisdom as opposed to giving in to external powers who's authority is long outworn!
The Shaman Archetype is coming into the Collective's full conscious awareness due to the Sacred Work of many Traditional Indiginous Shamans and Modern Shamans. Connect today with your Inner Shaman, and begin making a difference TODAY!

Divinatory Meaning from The Fifth Tarot book:
"When the Shaman appears, he asks some important questions about the traditions you are upholding in your life. Do the traditions connect you to the wisdom of your ancestors? Is there a tradition that celebrates and aspect of the sacred that is asking to be remembered and restored? What are you doing in your daily life that is tradition for tradition's sake? Is is time to let go of the traditions that are empty and meaningless? The Shaman uses his abilities to create ceremonies that give expression to the sacred mysteries, to transform and heal. Remember the importance of ceremony to anchor in energies that support and sustain life. The Shaman speaks of the importance of community. what is your role within community? How are you contributing to the betterment and prosperity of community? How do you assist in the development of peace within community? Now is a good time to enter into community projects, locally or globally. Work with the energy of the Shaman to heal any stories that need to be healed. Call upon bear medicine to go within and remember your ancient wisdom. Be aware of any animal totems that show up. Let them be your guides to finding your gifts and talents. Let them show you the path to your sacred space and know that every step of the way is sacred."


Silvia's interpretation:
Copyright 2009 Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Fifth Tarot card image and divinatory meaning:
Copyright 2008 Teressena and Martien Bakens.  All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach and Moon Coaching are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro and MoonCoach LLC.